Street Safety hosts resources for protesters.

Develop your own analysis, then consider spreading the uprising beyond the streets.

Rabbi Telve asked if I would go to [the] Children’s Hospital [Ninth Annual Perspectives in Pediatrics Conference]. . . and talk about Ferguson.

That, that brings chills up your spine! . . . When you size up the audience, it was a bunch of white women who. . . live in west county, and all work with kids who are low-income, and some of [their patients] live in Ferguson! . . . How do you help people understand?. . .

Jason Purnell’s done a wonderful study called “For the Sake of All.” I used that study along with everything that I learned in [the] Ferguson [Uprising], and I put it together so that I didn’t sound like a wack-job. . . . How do you [prepare other protesters to] do that?

--Rev. Donna Smith-Pupillo (white, local to St. Louis. During the first four months of unrest after Officer Darren Wilson killed Michael Brown, Donna mobilized people and provided care through organizations including Deaconess Community Nurse Ministries, Gateway Region Action Medics, and Metropolitan Congregations United), 2015.
